Thursday, May 21, 2020

State and Federal Regulations for Nursing Homes for the...

Nursing home for the elderly State and federal regulations There were reports of rampant neglect as well as abuse of the people in the nursing homes across the USA, something that prompted the Congress to enact legislation to deal with this in 1987. The legislation was known as the Nursing Homes Reform Act which stated that each nursing home must provide services and activities to attain or maintain the highest practicable physical, mental, and psychosocial well-being of each resident in accordance with a written plan of care.(Motley Rice, 2013). The two rules that are evident in the nursing home under study here are regulation 42 CFR à ¸ ¢Ã  ¸â€¡483.40 which states that each nursing home must ensure that the resident has the right to choose activities, schedules, and health care. This is a choice that the old citizens in the nursing home are allowed to make and they choose ones that are most suitable to them with the aid of their family members. The other Federal rule is regulation 42 CFR à ¸ ¢Ã  ¸â€¡483.25 which states that each nursing home will ensure that the resident receives adequate supervision and assistive devices to prevent accidents. Almost each old person within the facility was observed to be having some kind of walking aid that fits their condition as well as several social workers interacting with them regularly and seen walking up and down just to ensure that the dwellers are fine. In California, there are several laws that are specifically meant to regulate theShow MoreRelatedArgumentative Essay Nursing Homes1356 Words   |  6 Pages Nursing Homes Just the mere mention of â€Å"nursing home† causes most people to shudder and think, â€Å"I would never put my relative in such a ghastly place.† There are a great deal of horror stories that stem from nursing homes, most along the lines of , â€Å" My mother was neglected after I put her in a nursing home. I would go to visit her and she would be lying in urine and have a new bruise, different than the one that was there last time.† There seems to be this popular perception that nursing homesRead MoreEssay about Nursing Home Abuse1092 Words   |  5 PagesNursing Home Abuse With over 1.5 million elderly and dependent adults now living in nursing homes throughout the country, abuse and neglect has become a widespread problem. Even though some nursing homes provide good care, many are subjecting helpless residents to needless suffering and death. Most residents in nursing homes are dependent on the staff for most or all their needs such as food, water, medicine, toileting, grooming- almost all their daily care. Unfortunately, many residents inRead MoreNursing Homes And The Extended Health Care For Senior Citizens1783 Words   |  8 Pages America’s nursing homes and the extended health care for senior citizens is a multi-billion dollar a year industry. Nursing homes offer a variety of services and different needs living arrangements. Arrangements from assisted living to a full needs, skilled nursing person for 24 hour a day care. The need for more facilities has grown and the more alluring the industry becomes business enterprises have eagerly engaged to make a profit. Somewhat lost in this transition of business was the actualRead MoreThe Independence At Home Act1483 Words   |  6 Pages The 2012 Independence at Home Act, written to improve chronic care coordination, continues with similar exclusionary zoning practices that may extend to residential based home care health services. Even with these protective legislative acts, the needs of the community do not always translate into universal support for nursing homes in residential areas. 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You are stressed and so tied up atRead MoreElder Abuse : An Ethical Dilemma1280 Words   |  6 Pagestheir professional lives. The different types of dilemmas include, but are not limited to, ethical, moral, and legal dilemmas. These are the three most common dilemmas in nursing. A dilemma can be defined in many different ways. But all dilemmas are situations in which you have to make a difficult choice. Chiaranai (2011) states that an â€Å"ethical dilemma is a circumstance that arises from fundamental conflicts between ethical beliefs, duties, principles and theories† (p. 250). Therefore, an ethicalRead MoreA Brief Note On Nursing And Rehabilitation Center Essay1391 Words   |  6 Pagesanother service in the healthcare industry, which is nursing and rehabilitation. The agency that will be evaluated in the paper is Milford Manor Nursing and Rehabilita tion Center. Specifically, the organization provides a broad range of services and specialized programs for the geriatric population. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Introspection in A Complicated Kindness and The Catcher in...

Miriam Toews’ A Complicated Kindness and J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye are two novels in which characters reflect on their attitudes and experiences as a source of emotional growth and maturity. Salinger and Toews show the importance of this reflection through the evolution of their characters’ – Holden Caulfield and Nomi Nickel – similar attitudes towards their schools, communities, and lives. Though Nomi and Holden both do poorly in school for various reasons, Nomi overcomes her obstacles by working to identify the source of them. Both characters also resent their communities because of the hypocrisy found within them. However, Nomi manages to find good within the East Village through self-reflection, while Holden completely†¦show more content†¦Though Nomi escapes these negative feelings using drugs and her imagination, she expresses to her guidance counsellor that she feels a need to change her views on the educational system a nd learn to love it. The novel’s convoluted plotline does not show step-by-step, how Nomi goes about changing her attitudes. However, Nomi engaging her environment in deeper thought is evidenced in her coming to realize that she does poorly in school because she is: â€Å"already anticipating failure.†(Toews 2) With this new insight, Nomi writes her story as an assignment for submission to Mr. Quiring as an attempt to gain his approval and achieve academic success. A disparate situation is presented to readers in The Catcher in the Rye. Early in the novel, Holden expresses the reason for his difficulties in school as his being: â€Å"always surrounded by phonies.†(Salinger 13) Holden is correct; he is completely incapable of relating to his peers. However he takes no time to consider potential solutions to his problem. During his conversation with Mr. Spencer, Holden communicates that he deals with his troubles by simply quitting; putting minimal effort into academics and socialization. Since Holden never addresses his emotions directly, he fails to realize

Key Budget Factor for a Construction Company Free Essays

Key Budget Factor for a Construction Company Master Science in Facilities Management Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying University technology MARA, Shah Alam, Malaysia ____________________________________________________________________________ Abstract Construction companies generally have a variety of objectives designed to maintain and succeed in their business. They will also do a lot of effort to maximize profits for their companies but with minimum capital. Some companies are concerned about how management including budget management because from there they can manage their company’s financial success and further profit. We will write a custom essay sample on Key Budget Factor for a Construction Company or any similar topic only for you Order Now This paper will be discussed about the key factor for a construction company in Malaysia. The purpose of this discussion is to find out the key factors that should be considered in budget management by construction companies throughout Malaysia. Keyword: Construction Company, key budget factor, Malaysia _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Introduction Budget is very comprehensive; it is a formal plan that estimates the likely revenues and expenses for a company in a particular period. Budget preparation explains the whole process and use the budget more effectively. Budget management is very important especially for construction companies to ensure that projects run smoothly implemented in line with the company’s capital. According to Chan and Chan (2004), the construction industry is dynamic in nature and its environment has become more dynamic due to increasing uncertainties in technology, budgets and development process. Besides that, according to Churchill (1997) accentuates the fact that businesses must understand the pressure to grow so that they can plan and prepare for it, choose the right timing for expected major changes in size and control the speed of growth. 2. Key Budget Factor for a Construction company throughout Malaysia The budget is used in construction work to determine the amount of liquid cash that will be required over the various periods of a contract, as a measurement against which actual progress can be measured. The budget is a financial forecast and important tool of management, in as much as trading position of a construction company can be establish by having budgets for all of the work on hand. According to FOA Corporate (1997), key budget factor also known as principal budget factor or limiting budget factor and is the factor which will limit the activities of an undertaking. This limits output such as sales, material or labour. Among the key factors for the company’s construction budget is as follows: i. Sales budget This involves a realistic sales forecast. This is prepared in units of each product and also in sales value. Methods of sales forecasting include sales force opinions, market research, and statistical methods (correlation analysis and examination of trends) mathematical models. Sales budget includes company’s pricing policy, general economic and political conditions, changes in the population, competition, consumers’ income and tastes, advertising and other sales promotion techniques, after sales service, and credit terms offered. i. Production budget Expressed in quantitative terms only and is geared to the sales budget. The production manager’s duties include two things which are analysis of plant utilization and work-in-progress budgets. If requirements exceed capacity the production manager may subcontract, plan for overtime, introduce shift work, hire or buy additional machinery and the materials purchases budget’s both quantitative and financial. iii . Raw materials and purchasing budget This factor includes the materials usage budget is in quantities and the materials purchases budget is both quantitative and financial. Factors influencing included production requirements, planning stock levels, storage space, and trends of material prices. iv. Labour budget: Labour budget is both quantitative and financial. This is influenced by production requirements, man-hours available, grades of labour required, wage rates (union agreements), and the need for incentives. v. Cash budget A cash plan is to defined period of time. It cans summaries monthly receipts and payments. Besides that, it highlights monthly surpluses and deficits of actual cash. Its main uses are to maintain control over a firm’s cash requirements such as stock and debtors, to enable a firm to take precautionary measures and arrange in advance for investment and loan facilities whenever cash surpluses or deficits arises, to show the feasibility of management’s plans in cash terms, to illustrate the financial impact of changes in management policy, e. . change of credit terms offered to customers. REFERENCE 1. Agriculture and consumer Protection by FAO CORPORATE DOCUMENT REPOSITORY 2. Chan APC, Chan APL (2004). Key performance indicators for measuring construction success, Benchmark. Int. J. , 11(2): 203-221. 3. Churchill CF (1997). Managing Growth: The Organizational Architecture of Microfinance Institutions. ACCI on International. http://www. ebook-search-engine. com/organization-growth-ebook-all. html. How to cite Key Budget Factor for a Construction Company, Papers